Who we are
We are compassionate warriors – tender and tough; caring and courageous; kind and kick-ass.
People turn to us in times of need. It's never not our problem. If there's a way to help, we will find it.
We won't rest and we won't settle for anything other than the best possible support for people with cancer.
Our ambition is to be there for everyone, from the moment someone is told that they have cancer, for as long as we're needed to help them live life as fully as they can.
We are greater than the sum of our parts. The combined expertise of our employees, healthcare professionals, volunteers, partners and supporters make us a powerful force for good.
You can also be:
A mental health first aider
Being a Mental Health First Aider means you will become part of a global community, to recognise mental ill health and help people find the support they need to stay well. You can enhance your interpersonal skills, such as non-judgemental listening.
A Macmillan Employee Network chair or co-chair
Our networks act as strategic partners for the organisation, accompanying Macmillan on our journey to become more equitable, diverse, and inclusive, holding us to account when there’s more we can be doing. Your can develop your collaboration, communication and leadership skills and many more.
Part of the Our Voice community
Our Voice is a sector leading Employee Forum, with a mission to make Macmillan a great place to work for everyone! As a rep you will directly contribute to driving positive colleague engagement within Macmillan, developing your influencing skills, emotional intelligence, problem solving and much more.
Or a wellbeing champion or ambassador
As a Champion you will be supporting the successful delivery of Wellbeing initiatives across the organisation. As an Ambassador you will help lead the individual business area needs on all aspects of Wellbeing.