Ella Forster
Relationship Fundraising Manager
Relationship Fundraising
What is your favourite part about working for Macmillan?
The People! I’ve been so welcomed by my team and everyone that I’ve met. Everyone is so warm and friendly; I can be honest and transparent and I haven’t felt the need to put on a façade.
It’s also such a big charity, and there’s so many opportunities to learn and develop different skills and train in other roles. Particularly, in my role as a Relationship Fundraising Manager, you really have to learn a bit about what everyone else does.
What does a typical day look like for you in your role?
No day is the same, but on an average day I’d open up my laptop at home, check my emails and make some phone calls to the campaign leads I’ve received, to steward and thank our supporters. In the afternoon I might join a team meeting or information session.
On other days I’ll be out attending events in person such as a Macmillan Coffee Morning, or you might find me at the London Marathon cheering and supporting our runners. It’s always such a good turn out for Macmillan, we’re one of the loudest cheer points at the Marathon; you can see the runners start speeding up when they hear their name being shouted. It can even get quite emotional. I was at Embankment this year, which is only about 1 mile from the end and you get teary seeing people pushing themselves to get to the end.
What makes you get out of bed every morning?
Out of all the jobs I’ve done, working at Macmillan feels the least like a job. I get excited to see my team, I’m inspired to speak to all our supporters. Every day, I am fortunate enough to get to speak to inspiring people who have done so much and been through so much. Getting to support them in their fundraising endeavours, it’s really moving. Knowing that’s what I’m going into everyday makes it easy to get out of bed.
What made you want to apply for a role at Macmillan?
I think I always knew I wanted to work in the third sector but it was a roundabout way to get here.
I worked in Tech before, had enough of that and decided to pursue my dream. I quit my job and this role at Macmillan came up and it felt like fate.
My father passed away 5 years ago from Cancer so I had a personal connection to our cause.
It felt like I came full circle and this is where I was meant to be.
What do you do to look after your own wellbeing?
I’m someone who has been on a bit of a journey with my own mental health.
The thing I’ve found most helpful is taking out time when I need it. When I have a difficult call, it’s important for me to take 20 minutes to clear my head before going into the next one for example.
I’m also really open with my colleagues and manager; it takes bravery to do that but it really helps with relieving any stress or anxiety and I’ve received a lot of support and positive responses, so I’m continuing with it.
Why is Macmillan a great career choice?
The obvious answer is that Macmillan is a household name. It’s rare that I’ve told somebody where I work, and they haven’t known who Macmillan are.
From a development and career perspective, there are so many development opportunities. When I arrived and saw there were people who had been here for several decades you realise there is a lot of possibility. It’s not a quick turnover, there are people spending their entire careers at Macmillan.
That’s a Green Flag for me.