Lucy Richards

I was really interested in working within the charity sector and had a keen interest in marketing which I was looking to pursue further. When I saw the internship available at Macmillan, it seemed like the perfect opportunity to do this whilst making a positive difference.

I was thrown in the deep end almost straight away which has helped me develop so many skills including leadership, reliance, agility and stakeholder management.

My manager was brilliant and really enhanced my development through projects where I was given a leading role. One of my projects was to commission professional photography for volunteers, where I got to meet them and learn their stories which was a real highlight.

My advice for future interns would be to make the most of it! Make mistakes, ask lots of questions, network with people from all different areas of Macmillan, and work hard. I found that the more I gave to the internship, the more I learned. 

As the internship ended, I was successful in my application as a permanent Volunteer Engagement Coordinator where I get to interact with volunteers regularly and make sure they have a great experience with Macmillan from start to finish.