Cherise Jarrett


  • What have you loved most about doing the internship? Any key highlights?

    There are so many highlights I enjoyed during my internship! One key highlight for me were the amazing projects I was involved with in my team that has been a fantastic opportunity for my career development and to realise my potential. I enjoyed the opportunities to network and shadow different teams to understand their roles and the different career pathways you can take. The development and 1-1 mentoring sessions we received were also really helpful to support us during our internship journeys. I also really enjoyed the intern community and getting to know everyone and of course, ending the week with Friday fun quizzes!

    There are also many volunteering and extracurricular activities to be involved with at Macmillan. From enjoying a slice of cake and raising money for Coffee Morning, to volunteering at the London Marathon with my fellow interns, there’s always something exciting to get involved with here!

  • What advice would you give someone considering doing an internship?

    I would say go for it! The internship programme was definitely a stepping stone into my career and I would recommend it to anyone who would like to try something new, to explore and to learn and develop new skills. The possibilities are endless.

  • What made you decide to take up an internship at Macmillan?

    I‘ve always had an interest in working in the charity sector and making a positive difference. When the opportunity came up to intern for Macmillan, I knew I wanted to apply. The internship helped me to gain more experience and to explore the many career paths you can journey on in the charity sector. Taking up this internship was also a great development opportunity for me to learn and develop new skills that will equip me in my early career, and I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of my internship.

  • What are you doing now?

    I knew I wanted to start my career at Macmillan and after my internship finished, I joined the Philanthropy team as a Junior Philanthropy Officer. The transferable skills and confidence I gained throughout the internship definitely helped me in my new role.