Our policies
Menopause Policy
The menopause is a natural stage of life that can impact people of all ages. Here at Macmillan we want to remove the stigma that surrounds menopause and support our colleagues to find their best way through.
The policy shares more information about what the menopause is and how it can typically show up in symptoms. It also covers how the menopause is managed from an absence perspective and some suggested support mechanisms and more information.
Absence and Capability Policy
There will be times where you are too unwell to work or may need support in returning to or remaining at work due to a physical or mental health condition. Sickness can be short occasional days of sickness or longer-term periods.
From when you start, you have 2 weeks full pay and 2 weeks half pay as your sickness entitlement.
After 6 months working with us, this rises to 8 weeks full pay and 8 weeks half pay.
When you have over 2 years’ service, this lifts to 13 weeks full pay and 13 weeks half pay.
We also have Wellbeing passports to help you and your manager understand how you can be supported in the workplace to perform at your best and to manage any barriers you may face in your day to day role, linked to your health.
Leave Policy
We offer all employees a variety of ways you can take time off from work. Whether you are heading off on holiday or need some time to look after a family member, this policy outlines all the different options available.
Bank holidays added to colleagues' basic entitlement, so they can be used when you prefer to take the time away from work. For example, you could work the UK Easter bank holidays and choose to take off time over Ramadan instead.
We offer everyone one paid volunteering day per year.
Everyone is given an extra paid ‘Macmillan day off’ usually in December to celebrate the end of the year.
We offer emergency dependant leave when someone you are responsible for needs extra support in an urgent or emergency situation.
We offer up to 30 days of paid leave during the year for employees who need to care for a dependant such as a relative who you have caring responsibilities.
After 2 years of service you can request an unpaid career break for up to 6 months.
We offer 5 days of paid study leave per year and 10 days of paid leave for Reserve Forces for any commitment to reserve forces.
After 1 years service, colleagues can take up to 10 days of paid leave to undertake public duties such as Justice of the peace, board or committee, governor of a state funded school.
Family Leave Policy
Applies to all colleagues who are either pregnant, adopting a child or share responsibility for the care of a child, regardless of their gender identity.
Primary parents receive 52 weeks paid leave, made up of 26 weeks ordinary and 26 weeks additional leave.
Secondary parents receive 1 or 2 consecutive weeks of partner leave, taken as one block within 56 days of the birth or placement of your child.
We also offer shared parental leave, which is where both parents may share up to 52 weeks of leave.
Primary parents that have worked at Macmillan for between 26 weeks and a year will receive:
For the first 6 weeks 90% of your gross average weekly earnings and statutory pay for 33 weeks.
Primary parents with more than one years’ service will receive:
Full pay for the first 18 weeks and statutory pay for 21 weeks.
Parental Leave Policy
Colleagues are entitled to a total of 18 weeks parental leave (a week for each year of your child up to 18 years old). The maximum you can take is 4 weeks per year (so you can't take all 18 in a year) in weekly blocks or altogether.
Transitioning at Work
We are committed to supporting our transgender, gender non-conforming and non-binary colleagues to feel included, and treated in an equitable, respectful way across every part of the employee life cycle. This policy commits to our recruitment, new starter journey, induction, and everyday work activities being fully inclusive, as well as helping colleagues to understand more about gender identity. We also offer a transitioning at work toolkit that support a colleague and their manager through a transition, including a conversation guide to help discuss important moments along the journey.